Site Traffic Management Supervisor - Category A

A course for those intending to work towards becoming an on-site STMS on a Category A road environment. This is the STMS category for roads <60km per hour or under speed zone.

Site Traffic Management Specialist - Category A (STMS-Cat A)

1-Day In-Class Training Course +
1-2 Day Practical Warrant Assessment

US: 31962: Level 3, 5 credits. Explain the requirements for the worksite under temporary traffic management for a road environment as defined in CoPTTM

US 31963: Level 3, 20 credits. Operate as a practicing Site Traffic Management Specialist (STMS) within a road environment as defined in CoPTTM.


  • STMS - Universal NP or
  • STMS of any level expired for more than 12 months or
  • STMS of the relevant category expired for more than 12 months
1-Day theory class-based training (up to 8 hours):
Those who successfully complete the STMS CAT A NP workshop will be awarded the STMS (A) - NP warrant. They could qualify for Unit Standard 31962 and further enrol to obtain their practicing warrant.

1-2 Day Practical Warrant Assessment consists of closures observed and verified by a TTM Mentor and a TTM Assessor:

Day 1: Mentoring
(this is compulsory for all trainees who are new to the STMS role or have expired for more than 12 months)
The TTM Mentor will observe two closures:
  • One of the closures must deal with either pedestrian or cyclist management. 
  • Choose two (2) others, which could include: Shoulder closure or Multi-lane closure
  • Only one of the closures can be a shoulder closure.

Day 2: Assessing
(this is compulsory for all trainees who wish to obtain a practicing warrant)
The TTM Assessor will observe one closure:
  • This closure must be a live lane closure with alternating flow control.
Outcomes for this learning:
At the end of this workshop the participant will know:
  • The key requirements for category A roads
  • How to locate information in the CoPTTM relating to category A roads
Cone taper line
Next steps:
  • From this course, you are eligible to move on to other STMS training courses or move on to becoming a TTM Mentor

Give us a call or email and we
can answer your questions